Get a single invoice
Get invoice data by id
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
Required range:
x > 0
200 - application/json
Invoice id
Required range:
x > 0
Invoice number
Invoice issue date time
Invoice due date time
The invoice patient id
Required range:
x > 0
The invoice location id
Required range:
x > 0
The invoice practitioner id
Required range:
x > 0
Invoice extra billing info
Invoice subtotal amount
Invoice tax status
Available options:
, excluding
, no tax
Invoice tax amount
Invoice total amount
Invoice paid amount
Invoice status
Available options:
, Awaiting Payment
, Paid
Invoice provider numbers
Invoice reference
Invoice description
Object creation date time
Object update date time
Whether the invoice is archvied