Get a single patient
Get patient data by id
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
x > 0
Patient Id
x > 0
Patient first name
Patient last name
Patient middle name
Patient preferred name
Patient title
Patient email
Patient sex
Patient gender identity
Patient pronouns
Patient alert messages
The invoice receipient (contact) id of this patient
x > 0
Patient birthdate in YYYY-MM-DD format
Patient timezone
Patient extra info
Patient extra billing info
Patient address line 1
Patient address line 2
Patient address line 3
Patient city
Patient state
Patient post code
Patient country
Patient privacy policy status
No response
, Accepted
, Rejected
Patient NDIS number
Patient Medicare number
Patient Medicare reference number
Patient veterans information
Patient emergency contact number
Patient emergency contact name
Patient emergency contact relationship
Patient tags
Object creation date time
Object update date time
Whether the patient has been archived